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    Body Language and Proxemics - Lesson Summary

    The study of Body Language is important because it alerts us to inconsistences between what one says and what one conveys.
    Proxemics refers to the analysis of the communicator’s sense of physical distance with the recipient in terms of signals and codes.
    Nonverbal communication involves those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver.
    The Knowledge of Body Language averts misinterpretations, conflicts, and antagonism that often occurs amongst people.
    Proxemics in Body Language describes how we treat our space and other people in terms of proximity.
    Edward Hall defines Proxemics as the study of “ways in which man gains knowledge of the content of other men’s minds through judgments of behavior patterns associated with varying degree of proximity.”
    Proxemics identifies the culturally dependent ways in which people use interpersonal distance to comprehend and mediate their interactions.
    Fixed Feature Space is characterized by spatial constellations which are formed by things that are immobile territorial boundaries.
    People make eye contact 75% of the time while listening and 41% of the time while speaking.
    The concept of joint attention facilitates the development of language and social cognition in children.