Type 1 - True / False

Here put question

Type 2 - multiple choice

Here put question

Type 3 - multiple response

Here put question

Type 4 - Fill in the Blank

Here put question

Type 5 - Word bank

Here put question

First answer

Type 6 - Matching Drag and Drop

Here put question

Left First answer
Right First answer

Type 7 - Matching Drop-down

Here put question

Left First answer

Type 8 - Sequence Drag and Drop

Here put question

Left First answer

Type 9 - Sequence Drop-down

Here put question

Type 10 - Numeric

Here put question

Type 11 - Hotspot

Here put question

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Software Defined Networking and Cloud Computing - Final Assessment

Before you start...

Your Assessment (you need to score 80% or more to pass)

This final assessment will now enable you to review your learning so you can determine your knowledge and understanding of the Software Defined Networking and Cloud Computing Course. Remember, if you do not achieve the required standard after the first attempt, you can re-take the assessment until a successful outcome is achieved.

Software Defined Networking and Cloud Computing - Final Assessment

Learning Outcomes

You will be examined on the following learning outcomes: - Discuss the fundamentals of software-defined networking, origin and some of its basic concepts - Analyze how software-defined networking can be used in the context of internet of things - Explain the evolution of cloud computing  - Discuss the concept of Openstack and list the functions of its components - Analyze the installation process of OpenStack - List the advantages of sensor cloud technology over regular sensor networks

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