Type 1 - True / False

Here put question

Type 2 - multiple choice

Here put question

Type 3 - multiple response

Here put question

Type 4 - Fill in the Blank

Here put question

Type 5 - Word bank

Here put question

First answer

Type 6 - Matching Drag and Drop

Here put question

Left First answer
Right First answer

Type 7 - Matching Drop-down

Here put question

Left First answer

Type 8 - Sequence Drag and Drop

Here put question

Left First answer

Type 9 - Sequence Drop-down

Here put question

Type 10 - Numeric

Here put question

Type 11 - Hotspot

Here put question

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Diploma in E-Commerce Web Development - Second Assessment

Before you start...

Your Assessment (you need to score 80% or more to pass)

The Course Assessment will now enable you to review your learning so you can determine your knowledge and the understanding of the following modules: Shopping Cart and Payment Settings E-Commerce Modals Shopping Cart Modal E-Commerce Payment Functionality Remember, if you do not achieve the required standard after the first attempt, you can re-take the assessment until a successful outcome is achieved.

Diploma in E-Commerce Web Development - Second Assessment

Learning Outcomes

You will be assessed on the following Learning Outcomes: MODULE SIX Explain how SQL variables are written to connect to a database. Describe the form and layout of the Shopping Cart page. Explain the purpose of dynamic references in tables. Outline how a table "pulls" information from the database. Explain how the price is updated when the quantity of an item increases. Justify why different tax definitions would be used. Summarize why checkout and online payment options are only provisionally set. MODULE SEVEN Explain how the Checkout modal is created and how it connects to the payment gateway. Follow how actions are created, to indicate a 'thank you' message after successful payment, or an error warning if payment is not successful. Explain how PHP code is written for the input functions relating to tax, subtotal, grandtotal, cart id and description. Outline the differences between the 'Expire' fields and the other fields, in the card payment modal. Describe how the payment modal footer area is created. Explain how the Close, Back and Checkout buttons are created in the modal footer area. Summarize how jQuery script, using Ajax, is used with the button features. Appreciate the advantage of having a previous knowledge of PHP programming code. MODULE EIGHT Describe how the 'Update Cart' and 'Add to Cart' functions are written in PHP and jQuery. Explain how jQuery is used to specify modal errors, size, quantity available etc. Outline the purpose of a Parsers folder, and the various PHP files within that folder. Summarize what the sanitize feature is used for in text fields. Describe the purpose of a query connected to the SQL database. Explain the function of 'If statements' for added and removed items. MODULE NINE Select live or test mode in the Stripe.com website. Know how to access the API libraries in Stripe. Define the Composer tool and describe its functions. Demonstrate how to access the Secret and Publishable Keys in Stripe. Make changes to the quantity of products in the shopping cart modal. Add the Stripe API keys, to enable payment functionality on the site. Outline the purpose of a Stripe bank card number. Summarize the elements on the payment confirmation or "Thank You!" page.

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